Kinnosuke Kashuoh

Vital Statistics

Name: Kinnosuke Kashuoh
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 29 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Nabiki

Profile: Kinnosuke is a martial artist from the Kashuoh dojo, a martial arts school whose specialty is freeloading off of the innocent and less skilled in all ways, including food and merchandise.

Initially, Kinnosuke was looking to make the middle sister of the Tendo family, Nabiki, spend her own money, seeing as upon observing her unnoticed, he saw that Nabiki's usual practices in terms of dating were to freeload off of the guy she was dating. Kinnosuke is able to get Nabiki on a date, wherein after some skillful manuvering and quite a bit of trickery, Kinnosuke is able to get Nabiki to dump all the bills unknowingly on Ranma and Akane, whose inability to pay the debts incurred caused almost everything in the dojo to be re-possessed.

Angry at being outsmarted, a determined Nabiki challenges Kinnosuke to a contest to get Kinnosuke to pay back all the bills incurred after their first date. The rules for the match were that the first person to spend 10 yen of their money would lose. In the ensuing "battle" between Nabiki and Kinnosuke, they happent o build up a debt of over 500 million yen, much to the fear and chagrin of Ranma and Akane, who are afraid of losing to Kinnosuke twice.

Eventually, Nabiki tricks Kinnosuke into spending 10 yen, but not before gaining Nabiki's respect (and possibly her love, observing her actions toward him). Though Kinnosuke escapes later on, after paying back the rest of the debts, he only ends up owing the 10 yen that was originally bet on in the duel.

Personality: Kinnosuke is absolutely ruthless in his practice of the freeloading arts and will exploit even the most easily tricked of people. He does seem to get a certain joy out of tricking those of higher intelligence, however, and is very skilled and at his best when dealing with these types of people. Though his feelings for Nabiki are unclear, it is clear that he liked her (or wanted to outsmart her) enough to ask her on a date. Kinnosuke also displays a high amount of cunning and intelligence and is not afraid to use these to end up on top.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez